I was highly anticipating playing Metal Gear Solid 4. I have been a fan since the original MGS, though no a die hard fan -- to be honest, I got stuck in all three prior Metal Gear Solids and didn't make it through more than half of the game! Is that pathetic?
Anyway, when I saw screenshots, gameplay vids and trailers for MGS4, I immediately became psyched. I didn't even have a PS3 at the time, but I HAD to have one and reserve the game. Now that I've played it, I can say with absolute certainty that METAL GEAR 4 SUCKS BIG TIME! It absolutely sucks ass, blows donkey balls, and is less entertaining than watching a pile of steaming shit decompose!
MGS4 is without a doubt the WORST Metal Gear game, including all the Gameboy games, the card-based games, and the original NES version. In the posts ahead, I'll tell you why MGS4 was such a complete failure and an utter let-down.
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agreed. a thousand times. i've been a big fan of the series. mgs4 is the most boring piece of shit i've ever endured
Agreed. I hated it. Took it back 2 days later. I prefer my games to have a bit more game in it.
I concur...If I wanted to watch an animated movie, I'd just get one for a lot less than $60.00
i agree. i prefer a little more first person shooter and a whole lot less sneaking around under a drum barrel smoking cigarettes.
MGS 4 is hands down the second worst game I've played. Graphically the game is fine, but, the sheer length of the cutscenes is horrific.
Now I'm no stranger to this, being an avid fan of MG Solid, but that game kept its cutscenes to a minimum, and kept them relavent to the situation. After Solid 1 though, the entire series became pretentious and insipid when it comes to the plot.
There are far too many cases in the script where the dialogue becomes circular and even more cases where the dialogue no longer fits the situation.
Compounding this is the sheer length of time it takes for major characters in the game to just fucking die. The end of the game is a clear example of this, as the one of the most important scenes of the game drags on after the impact of the speech, reducing the relavence of the entire scene. Hideo Kojima is, apparently a terrible director now.
There are 2 particular parts of the game are literally, the worst possible form of gameplay you can form, where the game suddenly transfers into a split screen with the player operating snake with a reduced field of vision on one side and a full scripted action sequence on the other. Not only does this make it more difficult to aim, but the player has to choose what to watch, or rather the choice is made for them since the game will end if the player does not play Snake, it is extremely poor game design.
Kojima also took a page from the Resident Evil 4 boys, and included a segment where the player had to mash the same frigging button to perform an action. No one enjoyed the infamous FMV knife fight in RE4, and no one enjoys mashing the same button frantically. That's not game play.
Despite all those failings, there are a few good scences in the game, such as the fights between Snake and Liquid-Ocelot. Those were the most fun parts of the game.
Hey MGSFan,
i completely agree with you. What is your email, i would like to discuss MGS4's issues and the good aspects of MGS1, 2 and 3 with you!
tottaly agree! I already own a xbox 360, and bought the PS3 MGS4 BUNDLE, for the sole purpose of playing MGS4 and I am SO DISAPOINTED right now, I am nearly mad! I wanted to brake the who console and put it on fire and having it send to Kojima. Piece of shit! Seriously, and then I tried going live. Took me 30min for an update, then after that, restart de game, then again having to register for a Konami ID AND a Game ID, both must be differents. More 15 minutes of tedious form fillings. Then you HAVE to leave the game again and browse you email for activation. Then start the game AGAIN (the 4th time) to log in and online experience is pathetic aswell.
You guys are all fucking retarded. MGS4 got high ratings from several gaming publications and with good reason. The game play was dynamic and the plot was way better than anything found in GoW or Splinter Cell.
Just beat this game. I love al the MGS games. My fav is snake eater. MGS 4 is crap. I wanted it to be good, i know it got rated high all over...but you know what I think sony and konami made sure it got rated high. imagine if the "Best ps3 game" sucked ass? You know what other game isn't good? Halo. It's a very uninspiring lame FPS. Yet everyone drools over it. Every system has this weird flag ship game that they hype the crap out of. MGS is the one for PS3. So many horrible moments in that game that ruined years of story building.
STFU you retarded fucking handicapped 10 yr olds check the age it doesnt say any fucking 10 yr old and his mom should play it .... if you knew how MGS games are like dont buy it fucktard now go and die.
i'm french and when Metal Gear Solid on PS1 came out in US i bought an imported one... then i played the second... quite cool but i felt like something was going wrong. then came out Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. it was quite cool to know how everything started although i alreday felt it had to go on somehow...
and then... MGS 4.... i want to say... OH GOD! graphics are very good, you can't say the opposite. Sound is good too. Story... i mean, isn't anyone going crazy about REplaying shadow moses? from Metal Gear Solid and what came after i always felt like i played the SAME game! the names in the stories change, the gameplay didn't move a shit...
it breaks my heart to say that this game is a total set up for players...
And for those who say "critics were very good", i shall remember you they always loved Metal Gear Solid once but then... once you try it again and again you feel like you're playing half an hour and the rest... cinematics and confused story
don't ever buy it, buy a movie, much better and cheaper
Agreed it sucks balls. My friends are all into it and say its great and i absolutely hate it. The controls are broken the cutscenes are lame, The graphics could be better and if I wanted to sit an hour or two infront of my tv without using my controler I would rent a fucking move.
Shity game, hammy cutscenes and they have Snake blow his head off at the end.Disgusting.The Japanese don't know how to tell a story.Overated garbage.Pro suicide filth.
I agree. MGS4 is by far one of the worst out of the Metal gear games I played thusfar, MGS2 was the best for me but MGS4 sucks like no tomorrow, Cutscenes to long, by the time I've finished watching these cutscenes I've already forgotton how the controls work which btw are crap. Aside from that you get these retarded female bosses that makes annoying orgasm sounds when you shoot em. Its like hearing a woman in labour pain. Great job Mr Kojima. Just bloody great ruin metal gear for us.
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