Saturday, June 14, 2008

Why Metal Gear 4 blows...

Now, I know that most of the reviews rave about the game, accept for the most contrarian, attention-seeking reviewers. Yeah, it can be argued that the game has many good points, and the only people who would poo-poo it are those who wouldn't know a great video game from a hole in their head. Unfortunately for Metal Gear fans, the naysayers are actually right!

The game actually is terrible! It feels like it was just thrown together in Hideo Kojima's basement, programmed for the Colecovision and ported to the PS3 by a 14 yr old with bad ADHD. I anticipated the game for the longest time, and putting this into my PS3, I was BLOWN AWAY by the level of disregard that Kojima has for his fans.

In no specific order, I'm going to proceed to tell you you should NOT waste your money on this worthless piece of shit!


Anonymous said...

100% agreed. This game is an outstanding piece of shit.

I dont care about 5gb installation - I got 200gb hdd in my ps3, and the least I care is length of cut scenes. I can handle even 3 hour cutscene but IT SHOULD BE ENJOYABLE TO WATCH!!! And this game features some great action in cut scenes but has 80% bullshit dialogs!

Snake talks like a f*cking idiot - his words just making me sick to play as him.

The scenario of this game reminds frustration from Uwe Boll films when great actors take part in a piece of shit.

How game with ZERO innovations in gameplay could possibly get 10??? And MGS4 not only does not have any innovations but has two steps back! Wait... MGS 1 had better gameplay!

Dont get me wrong - I love mgs. I am a real fan if the series but Kojima spited in my face with stupid gags like Mantis trying to find memory card or Otacon asking for second disk!

The graphics in 4-5 act is superb but in 1-3 it is horrible! What is f*cking wrong with textures? They look like they are just imported from PS2!!!

What can I say to Kijima san? "F*ck this game and f*ck you!"

Anonymous said...

??? you must be a fanboy of the x box 360.. the game is great not godly has some reviews say but ITS A GREAT GAME...go bash halo 3 THATS A REAL BORING GAME.

Anonymous said...

This game SUCKS! The ONLY game I ever traded off.