In the old MGS games, sure, Snake would smoke, but it wasn't that big of a deal. For one, because of the graphical properties of those games, the smoking wasn't rendered in high detail. Even then, it wasn't a good thing to expose kids to smoking, but the games were so good that we could excuse this aspect.
In MGS4, the smoking is meant to look as cool and bad-ass as possible. During the initial loading sequence, players are treated to a highly detailed animation of Snake smoking in all it's coolness.
Personally, I hadn't had a cigarette since I tried them in my teens. However, after playing this game, I suddenly found I had a powerful urge to smoke. I was drinking with friends two days after I started playing MGS4, and I asked for a drag off of someone's cigarette. Since that time, I'm up to two packs a day, and I've noticed a significant decline in my lung capacity and general health.
I'm usually not so impressionable, but I believe that the image of Old Snake smoking, with his strong looks and musculature, has profoundly affected my mindset. I realize that smoking is unhealthy, but I feel like my subconscious mind has already been programmed. I hate to think of all the young MGS fans who have taken up smoking as a result of this game.
This game is for grown ass men. How many other mediums subject us to cigarette smoking? Give me a break. You're obviously very impressionable and lack will power.
The prime target of this game is impressionable young men. Just because movies and t.v. expose us to smoking doesn't mean that this game shouldn't. Especially when smoking becomes something that you can actively do with the character.
Well I don't now if you're asian or not (I am korean) but in many asian cultures, most notably the Japanese and Korean, chain smoking is just like drinking a cup of coffee. Its perfectly acceptable and even though its disgusting its very much a cultural thing. Also kids aren't that stupid so stop patronizing them and let them decide for themselves if smoking is good or bad. I mean seriously there are way and i mean WAY more things in the media that denounce smoking. There is a public service announcements every other commercial. Sorry about the rant but you kind of pissed me off. Remember its a game thats rated M and the last time I checked that stood for mature. So stop being such a prude!
I'm a huge fan of the series and actually didn't like this game all that much compared to the rest, but seriously dude, the points you brought up are ridiculous. and come on man, if a video game inspired you to start smoking again I would just stop playing them altogether if I were you, do you seriously have such a weak willpower that seeing a character smoking makes you want to start up again after quitting? I've been smoke free for 2 years and I guarantee you seeing snake smoke had no impression on me whatsoever. I advise you stay away from games like GTA4 with the pot usage and drinking if your that impressionable. And if your a fan of the series you should know snake smokes in every other MGS game! Why bring it up now? Because it is rendered with better graphics? Might as well stop playing all the mature rated next gen games then. Ridiculous dude.
Thanks for your input guys. I'm actually up to 3 packs a day ever since I saw the loading animation of Snake puffing away. Doctors say I might not have long if I keep this up...
I know it's bad for me, but, I mean, if bad-ass Snake does it, I gotta do it to! Maybe I'm just super impressionable, but I know that I'm not the only one.
rcafhawk, you have a point that GTA4 portrays worse behavior, but I don't want to be the protagonist from that game. Snake, on the other hand, has been my hero for years.
theres a reason why its a M rated game for a mature audience 17+ and sorry if your one of those kids who gets influenced by a videogame so easily
Basically, you started smoking because Snake looks cool smoking, eh?
Trust me, you'll never be as cool as Snake is. EVER.
I honestly think this is all a joke: 'I am up to 3 packs a day, doctors say I wont have long if I keep this up'. Seriously? In all previous Metal Gear games, smoking was included, and definately portrayed as somewhat 'cool' by Naked Snake in MGS3. However, you claiming that a higher graphic capability has engouraged you to start smoking whereas the more unrealistic graphics did not have the same effect is ridiculous. If you do in fact smoke, then blaming the game developers is a completely irrational excuse for your lack of will power. You also cite the 'crappy level of realism' as a reason for why this game sucks, if so, then why can you not distinguish this portion of the game as 'unreal' also and subsequently not allow it to manipulate you? Either this is a joke because you get some form of pleasure in reactions much like this one, or you are a terribly weak person.
The most ridiculous thing I've ever read..
This decreases the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream and ultimately decreases the amount of oxygenated blood reaching the heart muscle. Cigarette smoke contains nicotine, a substance that causes the adrenal gland to stimulate the release of a hormone that causes your blood pressure to rise abruptly.
ok, lets see here, you watch an old man smoke a cigarette and then you, you, not the character, go on and smoke two packs a day or whatever? nobody on earth is influenced that easily. nice try, but you were already smoking a couple packs before you bought the game.
are you fucking kidding me? Mgs4 is an oké game, prob my least favorite in the series and the ending sucks (the entire story therefore sucks too..who are the patriots=lmfaoetc etc). Plus again the ending, really sucks. The appearance of that person was so..ugh fanservice crappage. (and i love THAT character , more than snake).
Anyways, the lung smoking thing. Sure, it reminded me of the times i smoked (younger). But blaming mgs entirely for your problem..come on?!
anyways,peace. Thanks for making me laugh lol
Well that's just you man, I promised my self not to smoke I mean logically it doesn't make ANY SENSE to smoke!
1. It kills you
2. It costs money
That's the most ridiculous thing ever.
I can't believe you're blaiming taking up smoking again on a game. Don't you think it may have something to do with your inconsiderate friends smoking around you? Or perhaps your own idiocy at hanging around with people who smoke while knowing how impressionable you are. Did you just write a list of possible things to blame for your failings as a person and the finger landed on MGS? What else has it encouraged you do to? Find a slightly geeky but useful sidekick? Adopt a child? Shave a monkey?
Grow up.
You give into peer pressure easily, don't you?
tbh ithink your just taking the piss...:) it was kinda funny on the account of how ludacrise your claims were. If not and you were serious, I feel bad for the people who have to spend time with you. xx
If you feel the need to smoke a cigarette and start drinking because you found a game that promotes it with better graphics than Saints Row 2, then you are fucking pathetic. I personally believe that cigarette smoking is highly overrated and if you can't quit or have that "urge", then you aren't even trying to better yourself.
and no i'm not talking out of my ass, I smoked for two years straight in high school, about a pack a day, I finally quit because I was tired of not having money and oh my fuckin god, I felt nothing when I quit. I had no urge, no anger problems, no bitching or moaning. People who are "addicted" have no power of themselves and if a video game makes you addicted to smoking, you are definately a pathetic human being
man you need to chill out. your finding all these stupid reasons to bash this game. oh my god old snake looks way to freakin old soo lets bash him for it. comon man use your brain and appreciate this fascinating game
MGS4 didn't make you smoke, YOU made you smoke. I've played this game through at least 16 times (and have played every MGS game before it about the same) and I've never once touched a cigarette nor ever had any urge to smoke as many times as I've seen that loading screen.
Learn to think on your own.
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