Tuesday, June 24, 2008

#8 Pornography

In MGS 1-3, there were sometimes poster girls or girlie magazines incorporated into the games. That was alright, especially because they were generic magazines, and not necessarily of the "nudie" variety.

In MGS4, there is a full endorsement of Playboy Magazine. Playboy features fully nude women, and by promoting it, MGS encourages players to buy and support pornography. Especially considering that may of the players are going to be younger, this is very inapproprite.

Pornography often exploits women, and women do it as a means of making money when all else fails. I realize that Playboy often features women who aren't exactly "trailer trash," but it certainly encourages men to think of women as sex objects, to be valued for their T & A instead of their inner assets.

After playing MGS4, I noticed that I had a compulsion to look at internet pornography, and only after hours and hours of binging on hardcore, exploitive porn did I realize that it was because of the not-so-subliminal messages I received while playing the game.


Unknown said...

Honestly, are you kidding me? You can beat the whole game without even looking at those magazines. Plus next to a game like GTA in which you can actually hump women and give them money or kill them afterwards the level of "pornography" MGS4 exploits us to is nothing.

GarlicBread said...

Ok buddy now i'm really pissed. I'm done reading your 10 reasons i seriously can't read anymore of them. I can understand the thing about smoking but seriously man you're blaming your OWN problems on a freaking video game. You're the kind of guy who'll sue McDonalds for making you fat or better yet suing Hustler for getting carpal tunnel syndrome. You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to compulsions or addictions. Go call a sexaholics anonymous or something because from what you're saying you got a serious problem.

MGS Fan said...

Bacheh, you're right that I can beat the game without looking at the mags, but when they're in front of me like that, I just can't resist.

@Garlicbread - That's a great idea about suing McDonalds. Unfortunately, I'm a pretty fit guy, so I wouldn't have much of a case... I am, however, beginning to feel a little carpal tunnel, so I might have to litigate against youporn and some other websites.

Rated_R.O.N. said...

once again a mature rated game. AND WHO THE HELL COMPLAINS ABOUT ALMOST NAKED WOMEN. I MEAN WHAT KIND OF GUY GOES NAH MAN I THINK I'LL PASS AND SEEING SOME CLEAVAGE. and its not like they showed anything plus their helping a well known adult entertainment magazine

Anonymous said...

>> MGS encourages players to buy and support pornography.

What's a "buy"?

Anonymous said...

1. shut the hell up! it's your own fault! i went throught the game, even looked at the mags, and that didn't make me go rub one off in front of my comp!

2. shut the FUCK up! the damn magazines dont even show anything!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing but women in bikinis in those magazines. No nudity at all.

Matthew said...

WHAT ? MGS4 caused you to watch porn ?