Tuesday, June 24, 2008

#6 Octocamo

In MGS3, we selected our camoflage to blend in with the environment. This gave the game a certain element of strategy, not to mention fashion. I personally am a Raiden fan, so I personally preferred to play wearing the Raiden mask for much of the game.

In MGS4, the game automatically adjusts your camo. I don't understand the choice for that. I would have much preferred to manually adjust the camo. Not only does it make the game easier, it can be distracted to constantly be changing colors.

To me the octocamo seemed gimmicky, as if it's just a place to show off the PS3 processing power and graphical abilities. I would have much preferred if Snake would just stay in the same non-changing outfit.

Moreover, why does Snake wear Octo-camo when stealth camo was already in existence during the previous games. Certainly any flaws in the steal camo would have been corrected by then? Isn't it better to sneak around in a suit that makes you invisible, as opposed to a suit that's constantly rearranging it's colors?


Anonymous said...

At first I thought you might have had a valid point or two but now that I know You are a Raiden fan I know you are full of shit and most likley closet gay...come out and be proud of who you are....

Unknown said...

You can always turn on manual control of octocamo. It just shows your lack of knowledge about the game that you complain about the auto control of the octocamo.

didlybbn said...

Nah, he's right - Octocamo sucks.

Anonymous said...

what a fuckin wanker you are!!....."mgs4 sucks", so does ure mum, literally!!....fuckin thick cunt

Rated_R.O.N. said...

you dont even have to use the octocamo. you can manually change your camo to the preset ones. and they do have a full stealth item if you actually played the game long enough to find out about it.

Anonymous said...

anon says "Nah, he's right - Octocamo sucks"

Get a life anon. MGS4 Rules your life. So to the MGS4 haters: Get a grip and understand the graphics and the power of the ps3 and just be happy to give MGS4 a go, than just being a noob.

Anonymous said...

That would be such an awesome game. Running around in steath camo so your enemies can't even see you. It's impossible to lose!

Mikoratee said...

Octacamo is very usefull and I still get caught on my playthroughs. The manual camo was annoying.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the manual camo was a pain in the ass. It doesn't really matter to me which way to go but having to constantly change outfits was probably the most time consuming and annoying thing in MGS3.

The kid that wrote this is hilarious I can't stop readin lmao

Anonymous said...

The reason why Snake doesn't normally use stealth camo in the game is because in the story, it was found to be cancer causing so he did not use it after the tanker incident. Of course, you then wonder why he smokes then...

Anonymous said...

1. moron, its called "octo-camo [manual]" its right under "[auto]"
2. stealth camo is in fact in the game, either get one of the awards, or buy it from drebin. but like another anonymous guy said, it kinda cheapens the game.

Anonymous said...

You suck. Anyone who hates MGS4 is probably some kind of gay ass who enjoys playing gay games like tamagotchi or Dr. Jeckal and Mr. Hide. And by the way, Octocamo is better than stealth. Octocamo hides your thermal temperature too so stealth would be useless against geckos and other unmanned machines. And there are a lot of those in the game.

Anonymous said...

you do realize it doubles as a muscle suit to increase his physical capabilities do to the reasons he's become old dumbass >.> and all your other complaints such as smoking dude get over it I've been smoking for years and I'm more fit than anyone I know I can run a full marathon like it's nothin. Go cry in a corner your probably just some fat kid who doesn't understand that this was the closing to the main story arc and the end of "the age of the snakes and bosses" if you will, maybe study up a little on the entire series then maybe you'll understand what everything means. and do you realize what a esrb rating is dumbass if the parent sees the rating and still buys the game then more than likely their fuckin stupid the game is ment for people with a certian maturity level which I doubt you possess......... Idiot ^.^