Thursday, June 19, 2008

#5 Crappy level of realism

This game is set in the near future. Are we really supposed to believe that there are these massive gecko mechs and crazy bosses that can exist in our near future. If you're going to make a fantasy games, set it in a mystical land full of elves -- don't mix the fantastic worlds and the real world, because you loose credibility on all sides.


Unknown said...

Is it so unbelievable now? This is something the US army has had in development for the past 10 years.

MGS Fan said...

Well, that's a far cry from what's featured in the game. Thanks for the link though!

Anonymous said...

Chill man... honestly its just a cry like my roommate.

Anonymous said...

dont like it? get a different game.
read the damn reviews.

Anonymous said...

If you have played the other games and have enjoyed them then why does the realism effect you just now? mgs was way ahead of its time... Same with all the others especially the shagohod in mgs3

Anonymous said...

aww comon man i beat the game and i thought it was awesome but oh well hater XD thanks for your opinion

Anonymous said...

you're a total fucker! realism? in a video game? fuck you.