Though this was an issue in the previous MGS games, it's especially bad in MGS4. This is partly because with the better graphical capabilities of the PS3, the violence looks more real. When you shoot someone in the head, or a mech rips a soldier apart, it looks like you're watching it on the 10 o'clock news rather than playing a cartoony game.
Moreover, because players can often get away with shooting their way through to reach their objectives, they're encouraged to wreak a lot more carnage than in the previous games. Now what happens when little Johnny finishes the game and joins his friends? That's right: He starts snapping necks and shooting people in the crotch. It's a well-known fact that simulated violence is linked with aggression in the real world. Next time you hear of violence in the work place or in the school yard, there's a good chance that those involved were playing MGS4.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
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What the hell? Why would you think that If violence is occuring it is most likley from the cause of Mgs4? There are ways worse games than this such as FEAR and the whole GTA series yeah MGS4 has alot of graphic violence that looks like real war footage but thats just the realism there so anyone who says MGS4 has Graphical Violence is a good thing because its more realistic and when its more realistic then the game gets a better score such as straight perfect 10s.
Yeah anonymous is me forgot to put my name...
Look man I just got this game about a week or two ago along with my PS3 and all the reasons you say MGS4 suck are are a bunch a load of crap, well I'll agree that MGS4 is a short game but only for gameplay but thats why the cutscenes make up for that.
After reading your post, I now realize that you have no logical explanation for the reasons you criticize MGS4. Actually it seems as though your more of a 360 lover than MGS fan. Seriously man, if you can't stop yourself from smoking or looking up porn then I advise you to turn yourself in to the nearest psych. hospital for immediate help. Also, you complain about the long cut scenes and all, but really if your are a true MGS fan like your name says, then you would enjoy this epic conclusion to this amazing series not punish it.
I also agree with you michael. ^ :)
it seems as though this person dosent like a game getting more attention than he/she does, so it criticizes the game in a terrible effort to 1up a game.
It's Rated M for a reason. And this game shows the War aspect of the world. Guess what? War is Violent!
This game is crap but that is why it is rated so fucking good, get real fuckin' hater.
are you retarded? violence in a game rated M? really?
WTF? think! use your head!
Your contradicting your self as well! First you say, this game is "not realistic" then you say, it's "too reatic and filled with gore".
All your reasons why this game sucks is because of you. It was your choice to smoke, it was your choice to look up porn. It's you to be blamed by being affected by this game, not the game.
hahaha, Now I know you aren't for real xx
okay, I completely agree that MSG4 sucks. I absolutely hate this game but your reasons are somewhat stupid. "little johnny's gonna shoot his buddies in the crotch".
COME ON MAN! You don't but yer kids games that say "for 17+" jackass. Don't wine about that because if a parent buys their kid a bloody and gorey game, that's they're own damn fault. And by the way, Ninja Gaiden 2 for the 360 is much more graphic when it comes to cutting off limbs and seeing realtime bones, muscle and flesh.
know what you're talking about before you bitch because violence in video games began way before mgs4, it was just the demand for realism that keeps us buying it.
Um... no. Simulated violence is NOT linked to aggression in the real world, idiots like you who can't tell the difference between games and real life are.
Just because you lack the brain power to think on your own ("MGS made me smoke, waaah waaah waaah") and apparently don't know the difference between a game and real life, doesn't mean everybody else does.
You're pathetic and your reasons for saying the game sucks are utter bullshit.
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