Saturday, June 14, 2008

#2 Indecisiveness

Pick a genre!

In past MGS games, if you went into a scene with guns blazing, you were sure to die. Metal Gear is in the genre of stealth-based action games. Then why the hell doesn't it stick to the genre. The game doesn't know what it wants to be: FPS, stealth, or a freakin' melodrama.

I went into it thinking that this would be an awesome stealth game. Turns out that you can FIRE AT WILL and shoot your way out of many scenarios if you choose to. Well, that defeats the whole purpose of going stealth, now doesn't it?

Moreover, there are multiple paths you can take to accomplishing your objectives. Now I don't know about you, but this diminishes my sense of accomplishment. Did I do it right?? Or did I just get lucky?

Take a classic game: Super Mario Bros. How many ways to kill the dragon 1. How many ways to advanced the level: Hop on the fuckin' flag pool. How many ways to kill a Goomba: jump on him (or fireball or run through him when invincible, but still).

I take a certain satisfaction in finding the ONE course of action and taking it.


Anonymous said...

You fail at life. Whoever made this site should grow some balls and appreciate MGS4 as the greatest game ever.

I'm so glad I sold my 360 for this. 4 RRODs was enough

You are as dumb as shit. Nearly every reason you come up with is absolutely laughable.

You need to go see a shrink, because apparently you aren't mentally capable of using teh internets

Anonymous said...

Yeah I only like having one way of beating a level rather than infinite. /Sarcasm

Come on, you would rather have one way to advance? I think gaming has advanced since Super Mario.

Mikoratee said...

Linearity is the past.
Branching Paths is the future!

Anonymous said...

what? what the fuck are you talking about? indecisiveness? wtf? it's called variety!

Anonymous said...

This is easily the worst metal gear solid game in the series and this is my biggest complaint right here. They want you to be stealthy, but they take away all the ways that make sneaking possible, such as wall-knocking. The octocamo is less time consuming than switching between costumes in mgs3, but it ends up being worthless until you get the mask because they see your face. This and the fact I get an hour and a half of cut-scenes for every fifteen minutes of play (and no this is not the same in all the MGS games) with the ridiculously bad story (MGS1 was really the only good storyline of any of the games) make this a weak installment. I was a huge MGS fan but this was really disappointing.

kentizzle said...

You obviously never play any games. "Dragon 1"? really? He has a name you know!

Anonymous said...

I would like to congratulate the one who built this site. He is a very big dick. And so is whoever believes that MGS4 sucks. I don't know if you know this but MGS4 kicked ass in awards and was voted the best playstation 3 game of 2008. Also in was the first in top of 25 best games in ps3. As for the reasons you came up with were totally unreasonable and pointless. Name another game which can keep up with MGS.

Anonymous said...

Your like my friend who doesn't like Nirvana because their lyrics are stupid.

fucking tard.

Anonymous said...

*Because he thinks their lyrics are stupid*

my bad