Tuesday, June 24, 2008

#10 Length of game

This game is short. You can literally beat it within 3 hours if you skip the cut scenes, and I'm sure some players will beat it in less time (just wait for the Youtube vid). 'nuff said.


Flipped Out Flippy said...

Oh, well I already bought it! :)

MGS Fan said...

Alright Flippy -- feel free to let me know what you think!

Rated_R.O.N. said...

yea theres about a million extra things to do after you beat the game. oh plus metal gear online

Anonymous said...

You fail at life. Whoever made this site should grow some balls and appreciate MGS4 as the greatest game ever.

I'm so glad I sold my 360 for this. 4 RRODs was enough

You are as dumb as shit. Nearly every reason you come up with is absolutely laughable.

You need to go see a shrink, because apparently you aren't mentally capable of using teh internets

Anonymous said...

Oh and "mgs fan" suck a dick. You can only beat MGS4 in 3 hours if you're on a BB run, and that's only after you've beaten the game

Anonymous said...

BAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! Quit your bitching.

Anonymous said...


Just because you can't play a game and beat it means that no one else should play it....

You and those like you make me sick.

Mikoratee said...

This game is the greatest!

Anonymous said...

Here are my reasons why it sucks:

1. who the fuck wants to play an old man

2. its a cheesey ass corny chick flick disguised as a game

3. the story was so convoluted, stupid and tacked on its fuckin ridiculous. i bet no one on this planet understands every part of it

4. gameplay is way too short and totally different from other metal gears. why are we trying to sneak around in the middle of a battlefield? duh

5. way too many loading times. ever fuckin 5 seconds of gameplay you have to wait for it to load. GTA IV has no loading, neither does god of war I and II so it can be done

6. metal gear online is pitiful and boring, what a disgrace

7. finally, the ending totally sucked, all of a sudden big boss comes out of nowhere and stops snake from committing suicide. fucking STUPID

Anonymous said...

Good point mikehunt, it is odd that in an mgs game they put in something unrealistic.
Like the super realism of vamp getting shot in the head and living, running up a wall etc.
Or a man that can spit out hornets in mgs3.....if you dont get my point im being sarcastic.
Obviously im one of hose wierdos that can enjoy a game despite is realism level.
GREAT game, not as good as Metal Gear for the nes but nigh on best in series.

Anonymous said...

wtf?! this game rocks! the game isn't to short, your just a moron!

Anonymous said...

it only feels long because of the cutscenes. Enough said. The part where you can control your character is very short.

Anonymous said...

You should talk about how they replaced many interactive things with prefabricated/preplanned things.

For example:

1. Octocamo vs. change-it-yourself camo

2. NEARLY NO CODEC!! Instead, they have to over inflate the game with damn cutscenes.

3. You have to shoot your way out of many situations (no choice of going stealth).

4. You HAVE to fight Ocelot/Liquid at the end with a rudimentary fighting style instead of the hide and shoot style that us MGS fans know and love.

5. You HAVE to hit the triangle button while snake is crawling through the microwave place.

I LOVE your site by the way. It is about time someone tells the truth about this farce of a game. I hope Hidea Kojima, who has obviously experienced writer's/developer's block, reads some of these comments and figures out a way to change this shit. He should have used two disks if it would have been necessary to make the game better. Don't remove features because the system was more limiting than you expected, Hideo. That is crap ... something Microsoft would do.

I am actually happy that Hideo is not going to be the project leader on the next MGS for PS3. I don't think an MGS game can be as bad as MGS4 was, so it can only be better than the piece of shit that Hideo has fed to us.

If we was smart, he would release a disk (or set of disks) with all the old MGS games and Metal Gear MSX games on them so that people with the new 80GB PS3 that doesn't play old PS2/PSONE games can play the old (good) MGS games once more. It would definitely help smooth over the rotten egg that he laid (aka MGS4).

Anonymous said...

this guy who made this blog must be a fuking moron because who gives a flying fuck if he smokes and if he's old he's old enough to kick your ass.

Anonymous said...

also the octocamo kicks ass ur little bitch!!!!!!!!!!! u must be liquids dick sucker or something

Anonymous said...

The only thing that sucks is this blog. And the cereator of this blog is a fag.