Maybe I'm completely off base, and Kojima is on the cutting edge of a new trend. I'll be a true believe when I see GTA 5: Shady Acres or Old Town Buffet Tycoon.
It's been said that Kojima was inspired by various moves, novels and games, and I think I found his inspiration for Snake's latest incarnation.
Now, I've always been supportive of the unconventional themes that Kojima has integrated into his games before, but this is taking it too far. Players actually have to watch their stress levels during the game, and Snake's bad back and health problems are a persistent theme. This is not the type of escapism I typically seek -- it doesn't please me to live vicariously through a guy who looks like he's 80! And yes, the model of Snake is highly detailed, but in this case it's a bad thing -- do I really need to see the full extent of his wrinkles and age spots. Oh, and (small spoiler alert), his appearance ages throughout the game. Great -- instead of a more powerful character, he gets progressively more decrepit... Why not just give him a high-tech walker or a wheelchair? Maybe they can work on a Wii version of the game that incorporates these elements.
No worries though, because furtunately Snake's major enemy, Liquid Ocelot, is similarly old as hell. I swear to god that at times I thought I was watching the The Bucket List.

Now, I've always been supportive of the unconventional themes that Kojima has integrated into his games before, but this is taking it too far. Players actually have to watch their stress levels during the game, and Snake's bad back and health problems are a persistent theme. This is not the type of escapism I typically seek -- it doesn't please me to live vicariously through a guy who looks like he's 80! And yes, the model of Snake is highly detailed, but in this case it's a bad thing -- do I really need to see the full extent of his wrinkles and age spots. Oh, and (small spoiler alert), his appearance ages throughout the game. Great -- instead of a more powerful character, he gets progressively more decrepit... Why not just give him a high-tech walker or a wheelchair? Maybe they can work on a Wii version of the game that incorporates these elements.
No worries though, because furtunately Snake's major enemy, Liquid Ocelot, is similarly old as hell. I swear to god that at times I thought I was watching the The Bucket List.
Are you a mormon or something? Amish? Wtf is wrong with porn and violence? Grow some chest hair man!
Wow that reveals that you did not listen to the F'in story you dumb $hit. He is old for a reason..... HE IS A CLONE !!!!!!!!!!! god.
they explain why his old moron
waw... this guy has way too much time to waste...
he actually created a BLOG for this??
You fail at life. Whoever made this site should grow some balls and appreciate MGS4 as the greatest game ever.
I'm so glad I sold my 360 for this. 4 RRODs was enough
You are as dumb as shit. Nearly every reason you come up with is absolutely laughable.
You need to go see a shrink, because apparently you aren't mentally capable of using teh internets
Old enough to kick your ass.
lol, yeah
10. maybe you can beat it with a total play time of 3 hours... but i guarantee you it will take you many tries
9. you have a weak mind if you gave into smoking again so easily
8. this game is rater M 17+, if there are kids playing its because their parents understand what this games contains, or they're just idiots n got hustles by their kids
7. you dont go around telling people what happened in the new batman, if u played mgs games before you would know to treat them the same
6. if u ploayed mgs games before ud remember that stealth is a special item only rewarded at the end, you can literally run through the game with it, then theres no point in sneaking what so ever
5.level of realism? did you complain about something thats not real (but quite possibly could be) in mgs1 when you first saw rex? i dont think so
4. to tell any mgs story properly you need cut scenes, every 1 knows that stop complaining
3. in the limited edition guide kojima states how this game is not primarily a stealth based action game but its what you make it to be, so if ur the run n gun type, go for it, you're the one that has messed up ethics when he complains about violence but probably shoots ppl through his game play.... i bet you play COD4
2.(read #3) also, the vastly large environment allows you to choose you own path, releaving itself of that repetative gameplay from Super Mario Brothers
1. have you seriously played the games before? did you watch the cut scenes? oh right you dont like them... well its your fault ur lost
btw... you're a complete tool
This post is made of win and god
go suck a dick cock sucker.
Ha! This is so funny! So I guess now that I've beaten MGS4, it's in my genetic code to start shooting and stabbing people, eh? And not to mention, the smoking and the playboys made you give in to such habbits? Wow, you're so damn weak. I bet that if I typed GO DO COCAINE in all caps, you'd be snorting it by the end of the week. Oops, I did type it, well, good luck in rehab! And FYI, if the game sucked so bad, why'd ya play through it then, smart guy? I'm pretty convinced you're just a paranoid mother who wants to shit on violent games.
TO be fair to the person who posted I think you're a dumbass...however you are in-fact easily influenced by a video game to start smoking and looking at pornographic images. You can't blame a game if your too weak to stick with your own will not to do things that you dont see on a video game. Second...that little johnny thing...dude its rated M for mature...its parents inability to read the esrb rating system that that makes little children break necks, parents fault so your complaint is invalid.
You play the game you want to...just because its an stealth action game doesn't mean you DONT have the ability to play it the way you want..means you seem to have no creativity and your just a forum troll. which
So allow me to sum it up for you Poster of the MGS4 sucks blog....Grow up..legitimately.
Wow, the 10 replies to the 10 problems pretty much says it all. Good job on that.
(spoilers. ooh... more for this guy to bitch about.)
pay attention to the mother fucking storyline! you might learn something! snake is old because he is aging at an accelerated rate b/c he is a clone!
ok. i've posted one comment for each false reason that this game sucks. all of the points made here are invalid and moronic. anyone who appreciates games in any way would love this game. and whats more. the person who made these accusations is either a moron, retarded, or has no sense of good games. and same goes for all the commenters who sided with this ass.
Yes MGS4 definitely sucks balls. Don't waste your money and time. I beat all the other MG games, this one is terribly disappointing.
holy shit its a fucking game man if you are gonna be so sad don't play it or think about it and you might not have lung cancer and a porn addiction in a few years
you are a fuckn fagg- an abvious atempt to piss people off- I am one of them - go put a gun to your head you fuck -
I guess he never actually cared for the story. Play the game again! He's old for a reason!
Lol You suck. Go play a wusses game with lots of fluffy clouds and happy smiley elves.
While I disagree with most everything else you posted, I can 100% agree with #1.
I play games like MGS to ESCAPE reality not reflect on my own fucking mortality.
If I want to watch old people nearly break a hip I'll head down to the nursing home. If I want to "play a game" and elderly people manage their health or stress...again...I'll head down to the fucking nursing home.
So everyone stop flaming over him bitching how Snake is decrepit and should retire, or that MGS needs to pick a fucking genre and stick with it...bunch of little shit mongrels.
I love MGS as much as the next fan but what I don't like is series suicide. In previous games Koji pulled off the design nicely but if he keeps it up the metal gear solid series is going to be looked down on by the rest of gaming history instead of having the other games in the series recognized for the gems they are.
If all else fails and Koji does the unthinkable then we either string him up for insulting the name of MGS or sadly move on to Metroid.
I hate you, end of. And if a someone like you is influeneced by an old muscley man smoking, you've got to realise by now that you have problems. And understand the story before you complain on the net dumbass!
this guy has soggy cereal for brains. honestly.
if you knew the intension behind the production in the game. its more about reality and personal emotional status and the world around you. its meant to be an interactive game based around the technological world that is vastly developing around us.
you should stick to mindless games like tetris if you can't fathom a deeper thought than controlled muscle memory and hypnotic indulgence in repetitive button pressing idiocracy.
this game is by far the most advanced on the market.
sadly unappreciated by morons like yourself.
your opinions are onions.
First: blaming your smoking habit on a video game is ridiculous; you are singularly responsible for your own health. Yes, mass-media and convenience certainly attempt to jeopardize your health -- and the health of everyone else -- every single day, but it is ultimately you who decided what you put into your body. If you don't have the capacity to make your own decisions, then CHANGE. That comment said nothing about MGS4, and instead only told us all that you have no self control.
Second: The same goes for you looking at pornography. If you blame this on a video game -- when it was you who ultimately made the decision to participate -- then you are really only saying that you, once again, lack self-control and self-awareness.
Third: "Moreover, there are multiple paths you can take to accomplishing your objectives. Now I don't know about you, but this diminishes my sense of accomplishment. Did I do it right?? Or did I just get lucky?"
Welcome to reality. How many possible "paths" can you take through life? How many different ways can you possibly achieve the objectives of living successfully, healthfully, and to whatever end you see fit? Does the fact that there are an infinite number of possibilities in life diminish your sense of everyday accomplishment, or would you feel better if someone told you exactly what to do at every possible moment? Maybe you'd do better in a prison or a Fascist country when they tell you to sleep, eat, and move your bowels.
MGS4 wasn't my idea of the best game ever either, but the reasons you give say little about the game, and only reveal you to be ignorant, immature, and lacking in self-control and self-awareness.
This game is absolutely amazing. Please find something else to troll about.
Writing so much to tell what you don't like of a game makes me think:
10. Get a life.
9. Get a life.
8. Get a life.
7. Get a life.
6. Get a life.
5. Get a life.
4. Get a life.
3. Get a life.
2. Get a life.
1. Get a life (Oh, too late).
This whole list is crap and a waste of server space.
You're a tool.
In the time period of the game the technology is advanced enough for an exoskeleton to enhance the wearers strength and stamina as well as protecting. The new Ghost recon game has the same concept. An exoskeleton that can allow soldiers to carry insane amounts of equipment with the same mobility.
Every single comment is here is the exact reason why mgs4 and its fans are fucking clueless moronic dipshits that should burn in hell.
Such a shame you feel this way, because that he was 'old' made Solid Snake looks stronger yet more human than he could possibly have been.
At the start it's somewhat of a joke that he's old, and he gets teased, but as the battle goes on, with every ache, every drop in psyche, every step missed, that only strengthens the theme of awaiting death.
Yet at the end, when he's crawling through the microwaves, eventually on his hands and knees, that's the moment you know that no matter how old his body gets, his heart, his human heart, sees him through.
You are very insultive
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